Winnie Dias

Born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Winnie began her studies at CEFAR and Compasso Academia de Dança.

In 2008, after winning the International Dance Festival in Brasilia, she was offered a scholarship from Vladmir Klos and Birgit Keil to study at the Staatliche Hochschule für Music und Darstellende Künst Mannheim (AdT), where later she received her Masters Degree in Dance, followed by an engagement as apprentice dancer with the Staatsballett Karlsruhe.

In 2010 she was a guest dancer with the Ballet du Rhin in Mulhouse, France and in 2011 she became a member of the newly grounded Bundesjugendballett (German National Youth Ballet), directed by John Neumeier and Kevin Haigen, after 2 years she subsequently joined The Hamburg Ballet.

During her time at the Hamburg Ballet she had a chance to perform various solos and important roles such as Cinderella’s Step-sister ; Pas de Six of Napoli, Pas de huit in the Nutcracker, Juliet’s cousin in Romeo & Juliet, Main roles in Renku, Petruschka Variations, Preludes CV among others from Neumeier's repertoire, working closely with Mr. Neumeier, Kevin Haigen and choreographers: Yuka Oishi, Orkan Dann, Natalia Horecna, Robert Binet, Masa Kolar, Thiago Bordin, Kenneth Tindall and Kristofer Storey.

She perform in many cities around the world such as Tokyo, Moscow, St. Petersburg, London, Vienna, Shanghai, Beijing, Muscat, Cannes, Chicago, Washington DC, Madrid, San Francisco, Verona, Venice, Copenhagen, Luxembourg and all around Germany.

Since August 2017 Winnie is working as a freelancer dancer and choreographer, performing as guest artist with the English National Ballet London, the Opernhaus Zurich, the Poluninink Company, Mcnicol Ballet Collective, as well as independent project in the theatre and film fields and her own works at venues such as the Elbphilarmonie Hamburg, Luxembourg Philarmonie and Berlin Philarmonie.

Winnie is a choreographer, movement director, filmmaker and a 200H Certified Yoga Teacher.


David Peden


Shevelle Dynott